Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Like George!

Conversation from today...

Carter - "dad, I put this is my mouth"
Me - "then what happened"
Carter - "mum take it away"
Me - "that's right because mum asked you not to put it in your mouth. Then you got really upset, didn't you"
Carter - "yeah"
Me - "then mum gave it back to you later once you calmed down and promised not to put it in your mouth"
Carter - "that nice of you mum!"

Then our conversation while getting Carter ready for bed tonight....

Me - "Carter, tell Dad what you did with that cream after your nap yesterday"
Carter - "I just squirted it"
Me - "yeah, it was all over your hands and pj's when I came in, right?"
Carter - "sorry mum, I just lookin' at it. I squirted it."
Me - "that's ok babe, I know you were just curious."
Carter - "yeah, me like George!"

Two weeks from H. E. double hockey sticks!!

Well, the only good thing about the last two weeks is that it's over!! On Valentines day Carter woke up with what appeared to be a run of the mill cold, but by days end it turned in to a horrible horrible flu. Within 48 hours Dan and I had it too. What followed was two weeks of vomit, crying, no sleep, runny noses, coughing, dehydration, and other details that I'll spare you of! Then to top it all off, just as we were all starting to feel better, Carter ended up with pneumonia and then had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. After three trips to the doctor, chest x-rays, lots of tears (mostly from me), cancelled plans, even less sleep and lots and lots of cuddles, we are officially on our way out of this mess!

Carter is back to his happy self, with the occasional bump in the road due to digestive issues caused by the antibiotics. With the help of some home made wipes, cortisone cream, and some pro-biotics, that seems to be improving as well. Five more days on the antibiotics and then we can try to forget that any of this ever happened.

Actually, there was one other thing that happened that was good. Carter started telling me on a daily, some times hourly, basis that he loves me and Dan. It never gets old. Melts my heart every time!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our day...

"Dump out the letter's mum!"

"Do big alphabet! Do little alphabet!

Practising using scissors 
Dad showing him how it's done!

Sticking to his own way!

Pillow pit!!
Lunch time! (I swear we don't drill him on his letters, he insists!)

Shovelling with the smallest shovel he could find!

Relaxing after shovelling!
Unfortunately I didn't have my camera for the last event of the night. Dan was at Jiu Jitsu so it was just me, Carter, and Pancho for bed time. Carter and I started going up the stairs when I remembered I had laundry to bring up. I asked him to sit and wait for me. He agreed; however, he proceeded to take off up the stairs, run into my room, shut the door, and LOCK IT!! Ugh! I tried to get him to push on the door nob and turn it but he said "can't mum! Look at you under the door." Luckily I had insisted to Dan that we keep some old wire hangers incase this ever happened. After getting the hanger and unlocking the door I opened it to find Carter and Pancho sitting in the middle of the floor in my pitch black room just smiling at me. He's lucky he's so cute!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quickie Update

I know I've been slacking on the blog posts lately. Between the pain and discomfort I'm now in due to JoJo (33 weeks this Sunday!) and the fact that Carter's energy seems to have doubled in the last few weeks, by the time I get a moment to myself all I want to do is sleep!

Things are going good though. Everything with JoJo seems right on track. I'm pretty sure the pain and discomfort I'm in is probably the same as it was when I was pregnant with Carter but back then I could just relax whenever I wanted. That's a little harder to do with a two year old! At this point I'm counting down the days to when this little one is due and I'll feel normal again. I remember with Carter, even though I ended up with a c-section, I felt amazing after he was born. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with being madly in love with the little man, but it also had to do with it being the first time in about 7 months that I didn't feel like I was going to get sick at any moment. It's been a rough road but at least I get the best reward of all at the end of all this.

Now on to the important stuff, Carter! He's doing great. Still obsessed with his letters. Every time he sits down to eat it's still "let's learn letters mum!" And of course "what's that say mum?" to every sign he sees.

Today after his nap I told him we had to go downstairs so I could start dinner but he said he wanted to stay upstairs. So I shut all the doors except for his room and closed the gate at the top of the stairs. After a few minutes I went to check on him and this is what I found:

He immediately told me to go back down stairs. The two of them stayed there for about 20 minutes before he finally asked to come down. 

Thursday nights Dan and Carter are now going to an arts and crafts class for 4 weeks and then they start swimming. Here's a picture of the crafts from last week. He seems to really enjoy it!

Tonight on the way home from class Dan was playing with an alligator puppet I got for Carter. Pretending to be the alligator Dan said "hey Carter, let's go home and have some juice!" Carter's response, "no dad. He don't like juice, he eat cows!" Can't get anything past him!