What a big day! Today was your first day at school. In the grand scheme of things this probably won't seem like a big day to you, but it sure was for me. I was almost in tears multiple times over the last two days thinking about you going off on your own on the bus and to school. I feel like it was just yesterday that I brought you home from the hospital and it just doesn't seem possible that you are now going to school.
The good news is, I never cried, and that's thanks to you. You were so excited and ready to face the challenge of school. This morning you kept asking when we could leave and you got right on that bus like you didn't have a fear in the world. When you got off the bus at school and saw me there you said "hi mum" and just kept on going. I was the one following you around instead of the other way around! Once I showed you where you line up, you gave me a big hug and said "ok mum, go home!"
Your strength and courage helped me find some of my own. It helped me focus on all the good this big step will bring for you. It's hard to believe that just a few months ago you were scared of school and to be on your own. I know there may be bumps in the road ahead but you are so ready for this. Just remember that if you ever need help with some of those bumps, mum and dad will be here for you. Always. I'm so proud of you!