• First and foremost, he’s not perfect because that would be annoying!
• He’s very funny, honest, forgiving, and a great friend
• He loves me for all that I am, inside and out
• He loves the dog he never wanted like he’s one of his kids
• He made me breakfast in bed every day for 7 months while I had morning sickness
• He gave me a massage almost every night while I was pregnant
• He would do anything for his son, including doing lunges for an hour each night with baby in arms just to stop him from crying and to help him fall asleep
• He comes home from work and immediately spends every second he can with his little guy, including putting him to bed each night to give mommy a break
• He helps me clean whenever I ask for help even though he thinks the house is already clean
• He watches Y&R every night with me even though he can’t stand it – though I think he secretly loves it
• He plays with my hair at night when I can’t fall asleep
• He gets up at night to help with the baby even when he has to work the next day
• He challenges me, but respects my thoughts and opinions
• He listens when I need to talk about something
Though, he also….
• Keeps a pile of clothes on the ironing board in our room and then puts them all in the laundry basket right after I do the laundry
• Does the dishes but always leaves at least one dish in the sink, and never wipes the counters
• Conveniently can’t stand the feel of wet or warm clothes, making it impossible to do laundry
• Is afraid of spiders, which means I have to get up in the middle of the night (after he screams like a girl) to kill them for him
• Insists on controlling the TV when we go to bed at night even though he knows he'll be asleep in two minutes
Dan, thank you for being all of these things! I love you!

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