For the last 19.5 months I have wished on a numerous occassions that I could freeze time. Occassionally it's so I could actually get something done (like this post that I've been working on my head for months, or the neverending "to do" list on our fridge that fills up much quicker then we can get threw it), but mostly it's during those precious moments with Carter when I wish that specific feeling of the moment would never go away.
The reality is I have those same feelings numerous times a day and I'm not quite sure why I fear I may lose them. Maybe it's because people always say "enjoy this age while you can!" Or it may be because I look at Carter and realize that he really is at a perfect age. He's old enough to do some things on his own (and if he can't he's sure going to try), to understand pretty much everything you say, to joke around with, to miss a nap or stay up a bit late without it turning his whole world upside down, to get excited about things, and to reason with. At the same time he is still young enough to give me a kiss when I ask for it, to grab my hand when he needs help and to cuddle with at night when he's sick or upset.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the newborn stage. Spending my days just holding him in my arms and being in complete awe of him were definitely some of my best. But now watching him "read" a book by himself or spend 20 minutes in the back seat trying to get his sandels back on his feet is just as amazing, just in a different way. Or when I see how he runs his fingers along his arm in his sleep like his dad or how he's a neat freak already like his mom (sorry little man), I just can't wait to see what's next.
There are times when I can see what may lay ahead, like when he goes to touch something he knows he's not supposed to and stares at me the whole time. Making it obviously clear that he doesn't really care about the thing he's touching as much as he does my reaction to it. Or when he's doing something wrong and I say "Carrrrterrr" in that non approving tone and he flashes a look back at me that says "motttherrrrrrr" in the same tone, I fear I may be in trouble!
All in all though, if I could freeze time, I wouldn't. It's just too much fun watching him grow and learn and I wouldn't want to miss out on that. Ask me again in 10 years though, or maybe even when the terrible two's start, and I may be wishing to go back in time!

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