Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Snow Wonder

Today was our first snow fall for the season here in London. When Carter woke up we told him about the snow on the ground and he couldn't wait to get downstairs. As soon as he could see out the patio door he ran to it and just kept saying "wow!" This went on for a few minutes and then he decided to go to another window. This time he said "wow! Snow over here too! Santa's coming!" And the "wow's" continued. Then he went and grabbed his lovey and pumpkin bear and took them to the window. He said "show lovey and pumpkin bear." I asked what they were saying to which he replied "wow!"

Gramma later asked Carter if he wanted to outside but he said "too cold." A little later he changed his mind and decided to venture outside.  

He was having fun until he stepped out on to the snow. Then he started saying "snow hurts!" and crying. We thought something might be in his boot hurting his foot, but no, he really thought the "snow hurts!" But he still didn't want to come in. 

Luckily after some help from Gramma, Carter ventured out on to the snow again and he loved it! He still thought the snow hurt but he helped Gramma build a snow man and when Gramma was too cold to stay out any longer Carter stayed out by himself for a while. He had so much fun that he didn't want to come in!


Jenny said...

Maybe he thought he was hurting the snow by stepping on it???

Sara said...

That's what we thought too but when we ask whether the snow hurts him or he hurts the snow he says it hurts him. I'm sure he'll get over that when he can help Dan shovel. He LOVED to do that last year!