Well, today was a rough day, physically and emotionally! I was sick like I was from weeks 7-16. I didn't realize until today how much better I've actually been the last few weeks. I'm still nauseas every morning, most afternoons, and some evenings but I can actually get through SOME days without getting sick as long as I really take it easy in the mornings and afternoons.
Unfortunately this is as good as I think it's going to get. I remember feeling better near the end of my last pregnancy but I was able to really take it easy then, with no toddler to take care of. Though I do remember thinking I was better and stopping my medication at around 8 1/2 months only to be sick again. This time I'm under no illusion...it's me and Diclectin for the long haul!
I sadly realized today that it's been 16 weeks now of:
- getting sick almost every day
- not being able to work
- having to rely on Dan to do almost all the cooking, cleaning and lifting
- having to rely on Dan's mom to come every morning to watch Carter
- feeling sick every time I climb the stairs, lift Carter or have to stand in line somewhere
- having to tell Carter I can't get on the floor and play because my tummy hurts
- not being able to think about food without feeling nauseas
But what's getting me through is knowing that in just about 17 weeks from now we will finally be able to hold our new little monkey. We feel so blessed to be having another healthy little guy. We know how lucky we are and regardless of how crappy I feel I am also so grateful.
Every time I look at Carter I am reminded of how lucky we are. Tonight he was going a little crazy due to so much energy and not being able to burn it by running around outside. So Dan decided to teach him how to do somersaults. What fun!
Getting ready! |
Hands down, head under! |
Flip! |
Backwards flip! (Pancho must be hungry!) |
Time to fly! |
Time to relax! |
1 comment:
Hailey loves sommersaults too. :)
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