Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Snow Wonder

Today was our first snow fall for the season here in London. When Carter woke up we told him about the snow on the ground and he couldn't wait to get downstairs. As soon as he could see out the patio door he ran to it and just kept saying "wow!" This went on for a few minutes and then he decided to go to another window. This time he said "wow! Snow over here too! Santa's coming!" And the "wow's" continued. Then he went and grabbed his lovey and pumpkin bear and took them to the window. He said "show lovey and pumpkin bear." I asked what they were saying to which he replied "wow!"

Gramma later asked Carter if he wanted to outside but he said "too cold." A little later he changed his mind and decided to venture outside.  

He was having fun until he stepped out on to the snow. Then he started saying "snow hurts!" and crying. We thought something might be in his boot hurting his foot, but no, he really thought the "snow hurts!" But he still didn't want to come in. 

Luckily after some help from Gramma, Carter ventured out on to the snow again and he loved it! He still thought the snow hurt but he helped Gramma build a snow man and when Gramma was too cold to stay out any longer Carter stayed out by himself for a while. He had so much fun that he didn't want to come in!

Lesson's Learned Con't

Yesterday I forgot about two other lessons that Carter learned yesterday. One was that when we dilly dally on our way to nap we go straight to bed and the other is that girls can be bossy (and he likes it!).

Yesterday morning "bama" took Carter to the library for a community playgroup. Generally when they go Carter just plays by himself with the dinosaurs or the play kitchen. Yesterday he was playing with the play kitchen when a little girl came and sat at the kitchen table and played with a puzzle. She then dropped a puzzle piece and said to Carter "pick it up!" Gramma said that at first Carter seemed thrown by what she had said. Maybe it was because she was telling him what to do or maybe it was just because she was talking to him. Well, he then decided to oblige. After doing so he gave gramma the look he gets when he's proud of himself or he's done something good. The little girl enjoyed the whole encounter so much that she continued to drop things on the floor and tell Carter to "pick it up!" And each time Carter did as she asked, and each time he was proud of himself. When Dan heard about this he immediately felt that Carter has some other things to learn and he will "be sure to teach him!" haha

When we say "nap time" or "bed time" Carter generally agrees happily. He'll search for any lovey's or stuffed animals that he brought down and head for the stairs. This is where the problem begins. He loves to play on the stairs. Almost every time, he stops to lay on the stairs, check out some fluff, have lovey dance on the stairs, you name it! Well, yesterday I was on my own with him at nap time and wasn't feeling well. Plus it was already 1 o'clock which is usually when he's asleep by. So I gave him a warning, "no dilly dallying on the stairs, or we won't have time to read, sing, or talk before bed." The playing continued. I then let Carter know that if he didn't hurry up it would be "straight to bed!" Of course my curious boy then asked "why mum?!" After explaining, "it's already past nap time so if you play on the stairs we won't have time for anything else and you'll have to go straight to bed", the playing continued. I gave him another minute or so and then I just couldn't take it any more. (During this pregnancy, and my first one, I get really uncomfortable and nauseas standing in one place). So I scooped him up and he promptly exclaimed "STRAIGHT TO BED!" And he did go straight to bed, without any fuss at all.

I don't know how I got so lucky as to have such a smart, laid back child but I sure hope the next one is the same!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lesson Learned!

Well, Carter learned a very important lesson tonight. Every night before bed we brush his teeth and wash his hands. And EVERY night when we squirt some soap into his one hand he takes his pointer finger from his other hand, scoops up some of the soap with it, and then pretends to put it in his mouth. Then every night I say "not a good idea monkey! You can taste it if you want but you won't like it!" Usually he just moves on and washes his hands.

Tonight he made the mistake of actually licking the soap off his finger. His first reaction was "mmMM!" So my first thought was oh great, now he's going to do it every night. I waited a few seconds and got the reaction I was hoping for. Carter got a disgusted look on his face and said "tongue hurts!" So I gave him some water and then he said "feels better!", and we finished washing his hands.

Then while I put his pj's on him he said again "tongue hurts" and started to cry. We went to get some more water and again he said "feel better!" then I asked "will you try that again?" He shook his head no.


It just shows that some lessons need to be learned (thank you Alyson Schafer for teaching me that there's no point "arguing" over things children can learn easily themselves, without harm). We could have argued with him every night to not do it, which would have become a power struggle, and would have ended with him doing it anyway. Instead it was easier to just let him learn for himself. Going forward we won't say a word if he pretends to do it and I would bet just about anything that he won't do it again. We'll see though.

Looking forward to whatever lessons Carter and I might learn tomorrow!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Weekend Update

Had a great weekend, despite the exhaustion that is setting in for me. I'm only 22 weeks but I feel like I'm carrying an extra 100 pounds with everything I do. Considering I've only gained 5 pounds it really doesn't add up!

Anyway, Carter stayed at gramma and papa Craig's Friday night. Dan and I got to go out for dinner which was nice. We decided to go downtown and although it was really busy (due to a London Knights game and the lighting of the lights in Victoria Park), the weather was amazing so it was nice to walk around.

Saturday Dan was gone to Toronto to watch a Jiu Jitzu tournament and I met up with Carter and the rest of the family at the west London Santa Claus Parade. As usual Carter loved it. Every time there was a break in floats he turned to me and said "more, more!" The rest of the day we took it easy. Carter was very concerned about Dan getting dinner since he wasn't with us. "Where's daddy's dinner?" he asked multiple times in a very concerned tone. I do have to admit that I burped at one point while we were eating (it's a pregnancy side affect, I swear!) to which Carter replied "OH MY GOODNESS!!" We both had a good laugh after that! After dinner we cuddled on the couch to watch Finding Nemo, which took us right to bed time. Luckily Dan got home just in time to say goodnight so all was right with the world again. Dan went out after for a friends birthday so I spent the night wrapping Christmas presents. I am officially done and couldn't be happier. The way I'm feeling, I don't know that I'll even be able to move by Christmas! Ugh!

Today was a pretty lazy day. Carter woke up at 7am but just played in his room quietly until 9am when we went in to get him. Who knows how long he would have stayed in there as he wasn't saying anything. We just knew he was awake because he kept turning on his monitor music every time it stopped, which is every 15 minutes. He refused to nap this afternoon which was a little concerning since we had a family dinner to go to tonight but all went well. He decided to start calling Great Gramma Essey just "Essey" which was quite entertaining. "Essey, come here!", "Essey, play!" Hopefully he doesn't start calling everyone by just their last name!

That's it, that's all! I'm off to bed for what I'm hoping will be a full nights sleep that begins before 1am as has been the norm lately! Hope everyone else had a great weekend as well.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Carter Speak!

Just copying over some conversations I posted on facebook so they are all in one place!

I was trying on a dress for Jay and Tara's wedding"
Carter - "ohh, princess!"

Carter came down from nap to see a snowman I put on the patio door:
Carter - "hey, what's that?"
Sara - "it's a snowman holding a Christmas tree"
Carter - "why mum?"
Sara - "I put it up for you for Christmas"
Carter - "thanks mum!"

Watching Dan put up the Christmas tree:
Carter "wow dad, wow" (every two minutes or so)
When done:
Carter - "thanks dad"
Dan - "for what?"
Carter - "my Christmas tree!"

That's all for now...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pregnancy Update

Well, Dan's gone to Jiu Jitsu and I'm exhausted! In honour (and jealousy) of those in the US celebrating Thanksgiving today I made us a turkey dinner. I'm pretty sure it's the first meal I've cooked in months and apparently it has drained me of all my energy (the turkey may have helped with that too). It's only 8:45 so I thought I would kill some time giving an update on my pregnancy before heading off to bed.

Today I'm 21 weeks, 4 days. I had an appointment with one of my midwives today (who I love by the way) and all things look great. My IPS came back negative on all accounts, my sugar test came back well below the concerning level, and everything looked good on my ultrasound as well. I do have to go back for another ultrasound next Thu as they couldn't measure everything. That's all right with me though as it means I get to see the little monkey again and hopefully find out the sex this time!

What's going to be hard about Thu is that I'm going to get the gender in a sealed envelope. Then I'm going to take it to a friends who will make us either a pink or blue cake depending on the gender (thanks Ashley!). Luckily we are picking it up that evening and cutting it with some family Thu night so the wait won't be too long! We can't wait and I'll be sure to post some pictures to share the news.

As far as the "morning sickness" goes it's still hitting me every morning and most afternoons. It's definitely better then it was, since I can now avoid getting sick if I stay in bed. Easier said then done though with an adorable 2 year old that I can't wait to see each morning! I'm just grateful that I'm through the worst of it and over half way through the pregnancy.

Well, I'm off to la la land....

Another Blog

Well, yet another attempt at a blog for me! This time I'm hoping it will stick as it is a multi-purpose blog. Although it will be mostly a rambling blog, I am hoping to use it to update family on our day to day happenings as well as using it to keep track of the sweet memories that seem to be flying by so fast.

As it is right now I already can't remember the when's or how's of Carter's infancy. When friends who are now going through it with their little ones ask when Carter did this or that or stopped doing this or that I can no longer remember. Although I love the age Carter is at now I still miss those days when he would just lay in my arms or lay on the floor smiling at us for hours. I'm hoping this blog will help preserve some future memories with Carter and all the memories to come with our newest bundle of joy. ETA, April 2012.

Last and least, I figure if I post more here and less on facebook (though I'll probably link the two at times) then only those that want the constant updates will get them. No promises though!

Well, time for some R& back soon!

For those of you that want to be updated when I post something just enter your email address above.