Sunday, February 10, 2013

Duck of Another Kind!

Two Carter stories that I don't want to forget...

A week and a half ago Carter and Lincoln had an eye doctor's appointment. It was in the evening which is always risky with little ones. It paid off with Link as he basically just sat still (very rare occurrence) on Dan's lap and let the eye doctor do her thing.

Carter on the other hand...

Evening's can go one of three ways with Carter. He's either super tired and whinny, tired and wired, or calm and relaxed. That night we got tired and wired. So as he was being asked what he saw ahead of him he decided to come up with new rhyming names for what he saw. As it went on he got sillier and sillier. And then came the duck, or as we now know as "fuck!"

He was on my lap and luckily couldn't see my reaction, but he definitely saw the smirk from the eye dr and then it was game over. For the next 5 min straight he yelled out "fuck" in response to any question she asked him. And since one of the three of us (me, Dan, or the eye dr) couldn't contain our laughter each time, it just got worse and worse. And any attempt to stop it just made it worse. Luckily, the eye dr has a great sense of humour, proven again when Carter wouldn't stop picking his nose as we were going to leave.

On the plus side, Carter had a blast and he won't hesitate to go back again!

Tonight I made spinach lasagna. The second Carter spotted the spinach he turned up his nose saying "I don't like broccoli!" Then when we broke the news that it was actually spinach it became "I don't like spinach!" When we told him that it has no taste he decided to give it a try and said "I do like it!" Unfortunately as he ate more he started turning his nose up at it. He started whining and whining about it until he told me "it's not the taste mum. I don't like the way it looks." I told him to just not look at it.

I wish I had a camera for what happened next. He then proceeded to close his eyes and try to get the spoon in his mouth from the side without looking at it. He just couldn't do it. Every time it got about an inch from his mouth one eye would slowly open and then he'd shiver with disgust. I felt bad for him because I remember feeling that way about certain foods when I was a kid. After it was clear it was not going to happen I offered to feed him while he kept him eyes closed. So, he proceeded to eat the rest of his dinner with his eyes closed, and even asked for more!

Perhaps the eyes closed trick will come in handy with some other undesirable foods!